Logical Solutions

Everything has a Home

Do you know how much time in our lives we are wasting searching for stuff?




Our place in the World?

This Logical Solutions to Life’s Crap post is about sorting, evaluating and Finding a Place.

This is not about that woman who is making a zillion dollars telling you to get rid of your miscellaneous crap.

Some things are worth keeping and finding a place for in our lives.


For the physical stuff, let’s just decide to make a home for everything.  Have a key dish.  Put your glasses in the same place (or buy a million of them and leave them everywhere ~ my husband’s solution ~ that works too.)

These are simple things.

How about knowing where the weird sized batteries are?  Where you can find the string thing that attaches to your sunglasses when you go on vacation so they don’t fall in the water or that obscure screwdriver that fixes your glasses?

Much easier if you live independently but when you are a couple or more, it needs to be agreed upon.  A bit of a chore to decide, but what a relief when everyone knows where everything is and no-one has to be the ‘Finder.’

We should feel comfortable that there are also things that do not need a home.  They need to be released from our lives.

We accumulate so much Stuff – physically and emotionally.

In both cases, most of it we don’t use that often.  To be truthful, most of it we don’t need. 

For the physical stuff, if we do have a need for it, we could purchase it inexpensively and find it easily.

For the emotional stuff we all know that we have some clutter that we can get rid of and change our lives for the better.  There are also things that have taught us lessons ~ we need to keep those.

There are a few ways to go here:

1.  Actual stuff:

  • If you don’t need it more than every couple of years and it costs little, why do we fill our homes with this crap?  Turf it.

2.  Emotionally:

  • If it does not give you joy or make you a better person, why do we fill our lives, our hearts and our minds with this crap?  Turf it.


  • Let’s keep everything in case in the Near or Far Future you may need that weird cord or screw or nut or nail or opinion or hangup that ‘makes you who you are.’

Who knows! 

Should we hoard all that stuff?


There is a Joy that can be had by being Minimalist.

Get rid of the stuff that you haven’t thought of or used for years ~ the stuff that you really don’t need to live your everyday life and that don’t really reflect who you are now.

Chuck it all out!

Keep the meaningful things that make your home a home and that make you the person you are and want to be.

Go through it all.  It’s a big job but when it is done, you have been freed!

Life can be simple and still full.

I guess it’s all in how you look at it …

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